Sunday, December 16, 2007

Not taking colour for granted

Since reading more about the recent political crackdown in Burma and the censorship of art, I have been thinking about red and how much I take for granted colour and the freedom to use colour. At the moment in Burma, red is considered subversive and consequently any artworks or exhibitions that are predominantly red are heavily censored. It has inspired me to begin collecting red materials to work with .... because I can and because so many Burmese can't.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pink Period

This week I've been playing with pink!

In Thailand at the moment there is a pink shirt craze. Recently the Thai King suffered a stroke and when he was released from hospital he was wearing a smart pink blazer. Apparently an astrologer has advised him to wear pink to aid recovery and as a result, there have been floods of pink shirts at local markets as people around the country have been wearing pink shirts as a tribute to the Thai king and to help him regain his health.

Thai King sparks pink shirt craze

Inspired by all this pink, I began some new work using bamboo, dyed raffia, copper wire, hemp, plastic and waxed linen.

Chaw Ei Thein

Lately I have had the chance to hang out a bit with Burmese artist Chaw Ei Thein, who is truly a Renaissance woman ! She is based in Rangoon where she runs Soulflower Gallery and a children's art workshop.  She paints, does performance art, curates, writes, teaches, dances ....  
I first met Chaw Ei at the Asiatopia Symposium where she did an awesome performance piece on the current climate in Burma and delivered a paper on Performance Art in Burma. Before talking with Chaw Ei, I hadn't realised how exciting the developing contemporary art culture in Rangoon is, despite the huge obstacles the artists face. Chaw Ei gave a talk to my students about these challenges and ways that the artistic community attempts to overcome them. 

Friday, December 7, 2007


I have just bundled up and sent off some work from my Transmigrate series to 4a Gallery (Asia Australia Arts Center) in Sydney for the 10th Annual Members Exhibition.